Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hottest Business Tips (1)

Give the products, all the products, to everyone!

Work like crazy!

Be ethical and exude integrity!

Be independant. Don't depend on anyone but 'me'.

Keep it simple...simple...simple, and fun & magical.

Be consistent about being consistent over and over and over again!

If your past experiences did not make you rich/successful, then you have to go back to zero.

On reaching a qualified stage: start back at zero & work upwards!

Be positive! They don't say no to you, its just not the right time. Don't take it personally. Keep going to trainings to keep you being positive!

You will not get rich without a sweat on your brow!

Promote absolutely everything.

Promotion pays staggering money.

Do ot wait for others to do this business for you.

Be teachable...but also educate yourself!

Ask people, (in their heart), how they did it!

Cooperate with everybody.

Everyday before you leave the house, tell yourself: 'I want to be a President's Team'. 3 times.

You need to get the attitude first.

You don't need the ferrari to get the attitude, but you do need the attitude to get the ferrari!

Successful people only see opportunities...not problems.

Everything works!

As a leader you need to learn every method, you don't have to like it, but you must be able to teach it to your downline.

80% of Herbalife is enthusiasm and 20% is logical.

If you do the right thing you will always receive good things.

Its not what you say, its how you say it!

The best challenge in the world is: "Lets go do it".

Not everything in this business is easy, but its worth it!

Reward (recognition) people for small steps of progress.

Keep your mouth closed, be a good listener.

Success = Ability x Effort / Opportunity

Practise to be excited! If you are not excited in the first 5 minutes you won't be in the next 5 minutes and so on.

When someone is joining your Organisation you must have a retention system. roduct Results).

Your best tool for recruitment is your income. Show your Herbalife Cheque / Statement.

Set a 90 day goal.

The reason they are President's Team is that they had a bigger WHY!

Be consistent. (2500 vp's every month)

Work every working day as if it was the last day of the month!

Retailing gives Recruits AND Recruiting gives Retail.

"The products always do more than we say they do."

"Most pople spend a least 4 years studying at university and don't make much more than 2 or 3 or 4k per month. We ask people to only spend 2 or 3 days per month at Training, and as a result the money earned is so much more!"

The sooner you get the big picture the faster your business grows.

You've got to look like the product you represent!

If your phone is not ringing, then leave the house, the money is outside!

The more people you talk to - the luckier you get. The more flyer's you give out - the more lucky you get.

Talk to gain curiosity not just to give details.

Never argue with an opinion, there is no win.

Use the system, as the successfl people do! Take notes,and above all, ACTION them.

Treat your customer's lik gold and you only have to dig once.

The desire to qualify shows production.

Find the people that want to play the game.

Keep a business had on you; if you think of Royaties then also think of 1 - 2 years down the line.

We don't ignore anyone, we just focus our energy on those that want to be taught.

The purpose of sponsoring is to find people to teach, and there will be a lot of casualties along the way!

If you don't have a goal you are nothing!

Opportunity is never lost - its found by someone else!

Successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not!

Your own success is limited to your own imagination and your own hard work.

The only way to move ahead is to keep learning. When you 'learn' you stop doubting, whereas if you keep doubting - you miss the opportunities. And problems will arie as a result.

Attract attention ~ create curiosity ~ generate leads.

"Profits are better than wages. Wages make you a living, profits make you a fortune."

"Help enough people to get what they want, and you will get what you want."

"There are somethings you don't have to know how it works. The main thing is that it works. While some people study the roots, others are picking the fruit."

If its not worth saying...don't say it.

Don't try to educate ~ inspire! (testimonials)

Always relate your success back to the last school.

Watch people's actions, not their words - always give people a second chance.

Write up all testimonials after Training.

Always ask people their opinion ~ people love being asked their opinion!

People always have 'no money' ~ no matter how rich! Encorage them to think about the opportunity, over and over if need-be.

Learn multiple skills.

The more information you give someone when you first talk to them - the less likely those people will come to a presentation.

Don't push the sale! Create the reason for them to want the products.

We have only the first 5 minutes to capture a customer or prospect.

If someonemakes more money than you ~ listen to them.

If you don't follow up ~ don't do the business!

Put yourself in the way of success!

Learn to teach, and learn to teach downline how to teach!

Do it yourself! Don't worry about your team, they will follow what you do. (Get customers / go to meetings)

Its easier to sell more product to one customer than to go out to find a new customer - particularly as they would already have had a result.

During walk n' talk, ask more questions than bla bla... The less you say ~ the more they pay!

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