Saturday, January 12, 2008


ADVANCED PREPARATION (1 - 2 weeks prior)

  1. Invite 30 – 50 friends/ family / neighbours / colleagues / acquaintances to your house OR do a separate shake party for each different group. Its more effective when the majority know each other!

  2. Buy at least a 35% order.

  3. Most Important: have your own product story.


  1. Prepare enough light snacks (within reason), 1 or 2 jugs Herbal Tea, slice n dice fruits (for the shakes), need to have: soy milk / fruit juice, a blender & plastic cups.

  2. Use 2 different flavours of F1, (one from sponsor, one from new distributor).

  3. Lay out evaluation sheets & clean Tanita Scales. (open up Flip Folder)

Roles: MC = Sponsor Host & Shake Maker = New Dist. Evaluator = Sideline

  1. Guest’s welcomed, offered tea, chit chat, whilst 1-by-1 are sent for wellness evaluation. (20min)

  2. All measured, 1st shakes given out, MC does Mass Wellness Presentation using flip folder, ask that questions be left to the end. Randomly use a few people’s results as examples. (25min)

  3. Q&A offered, whilst 2nd shakes are given out. (15min)

  4. Product Demonstration & speech by MC, more teas offered. (15min)

  5. Testimonials & ‘Anyone Still Feeling Hungry, Protein?’ MC gestures to light snacks. (5mins)

  6. Sponsor & Sideline(s) work room & breakout (5min)

  7. Host (new Dist.) deals with those who want to start! Explain a How To Use & Make sheet, Measure CM, define food budget & make sale. Sheets provided.

Duration of Party: roughly 1 & ½ hours to 2 hours & 1 hour for Invites, so TOTAL = 3 hours!

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