ADVANCED PREPARATION (1 - 2 weeks prior)
- Invite 30 – 50 friends/ family / neighbours / colleagues / acquaintances to your house OR do a separate shake party for each different group. Its more effective when the majority know each other!
- Buy at least a 35% order.
- Most Important: have your own product story.
- Prepare enough light snacks (within reason), 1 or 2 jugs Herbal Tea, slice n dice fruits (for the shakes), need to have: soy milk / fruit juice, a blender & plastic cups.
- Use 2 different flavours of F1, (one from sponsor, one from new distributor).
- Lay out evaluation sheets & clean Tanita Scales. (open up Flip Folder)
Roles: MC = Sponsor Host & Shake Maker = New Dist. Evaluator = Sideline
- Guest’s welcomed, offered tea, chit chat, whilst 1-by-1 are sent for wellness evaluation. (20min)
- All measured, 1st shakes given out, MC does Mass Wellness Presentation using flip folder, ask that questions be left to the end. Randomly use a few people’s results as examples. (25min)
- Q&A offered, whilst 2nd shakes are given out. (15min)
- Product Demonstration & speech by MC, more teas offered. (15min)
- Testimonials & ‘Anyone Still Feeling Hungry, Protein?’ MC gestures to light snacks. (5mins)
- Sponsor & Sideline(s) work room & breakout (5min)
- Host (new Dist.) deals with those who want to start! Explain a How To Use & Make sheet, Measure CM, define food budget & make sale. Sheets provided.
Duration of Party: roughly 1 & ½ hours to 2 hours & 1 hour for Invites, so TOTAL = 3 hours!
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